
6月, 2019の投稿を表示しています


"Thousands of years ago, the Empire of Atlantis was a wonderful place. The people of Atlantis were intelligent." Thousands of years sgo, the Empire of Atlantis was a wonderful place. The people of Atlantis built computers, amazing building, and fantastic flying macines.    div class="booklog_html"> Disney's Atlantis: The Lost Empire (Disney's Wonderful World of Reading) 著者 : 発売日 : 2001 ブクログでレビューを見る»


"Oh,no he said. Andy's mom is making a mistake. That bag is for the attic. It isn't trash. I must save my friends." In this story mom throws away the toys. But it was mistake. so woody try to  save his friend. though Woody urges them to return to home  they are not going to return. Therefore a quarrel happens. It is interesting story to finally cooperate and to go home. Penguin Kids Disney: Level 4 Toy Story 3 著者 : Paul Shipton Pearson Japan 発売日 : 2013-03-01 ブクログでレビューを見る»

My weeeek

I went to ASO by bike on sunday. It was very fun. But at that day very cold. I thought  I may be dead.

My weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek

Yesterday I went to Tuzyunnkyou by bike. There was very cool. On the way we had rest at the store an aunt was buying me drink. I was so happy.

The Three Little Pigs

"After that, the three little pigs lived safe and sound in their cozy house of bricks.And the big wolf never bothered them again." In this story the third pig is very smart. A wolf blew the house down to eat the pigs. first and second pigs were blew the house down. So they go to the third pig's house. The house is made of Bricks. The wolf could not blow. Read this story I think I want to be a smart man like third pig. The Three Little Pigs (Brighter Child Keepsake Stories) 著者 : Patricia Seibert Brighter Child 発売日 : 2001-08-23 ブクログでレビューを見る»

my week

I went to hokkaido. In there I ate kasutera. It was very delicious. Hokkaido was very cold. I felt like dying.